Now about dancing...uhm...could someone please slap me REALLY hard for opening up this can of worms?
OUCH!!!! Thanks...I think.
I grew up in a conservative family going to a conservative church where there were conservative people
who looked down their conservative little noses at Contemporary Christian music and the Charismatic churches. As I got
older, I began to want that Contemporary music and I wanted the Charismatic lifestyle. So, what do I believe about dancing?
I believe that King David danced through the streets of Jerusalem when they brought the Ark of the Covenant back into the
city. He danced because he knew that God's presence was back in his life. I think that there is such a thing as
getting too wild and crazy in church, but I feel that as Christians, if we have the joy of the Lord in our lives, we should
tell our entire body and then act upon what we feel the Holy Spirit is guiding us to do. Now, many people may ask if
I dance in church. The answer is that I clap my hands and stomp my feet and raise my hands in praise, but that at the
time being, I do not dance. However, my church DOES have a drama team...if you can call that dancing, I hope to join
them in it soon. The Drama Team uses sign language and body language to illustrate the music.
As for dancing outside of the church: If you are in a strip mall, beer-joint, or any other
place where your dancing might be thought of as provocative, my suggestion is that you don't do it. If you are
ice-skating, by all means, do so, but be careful that you are not doing it provocatively (in other words, if your dancing has
the potential for giving a really cute guy a really perverted idea, don't do it). All of this "advice" if you can
call it that is for anyone, Christian or not, however, if you are a Christian, let me just say that dancing is not a bad thing.
Dancing is a beautiful way of expressing yourself, however, if and when you dance, be sure that you do it for the glory of
God. As long as you do it with an intention of pleasing Him, and as long as you dedicate your dance to Him
and cover it with prayer, I dont' think that He will allow you to dance in certain ways that would draw the wrong kind
of attention.