My parents
are great. They adopted me shortly after I was born. There have been some rocky roads, but through it all I know
that they love me and the feeling is mutual. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you for everything.
When I
was growing up, I was a Daddy's Girl. Dad was the one that I could count on to give me the answer I wanted...not to
mention my fair share of sweets and pepsi and other goodies. I was allowed to go on most of his hunting and fishing
trips with him. I love you Daddy!
Some of
my best memories of Daddy are the times when we were together. I grew up listening to Southern Gospel music,
and Daddy and I used to tease back and forth about how one day, the Cathedral Quartet's bus would come down
our road and ask us to join them. Dad, I don't know if you know this or not, but that became more than a joke for me.
It became a dream. I still want to sing in a band someday. I remember when Daddy drove me to meet
the carpool in the mornings. I was in highschool and had just recently started listening to a lot Christian Contemporary
and Christian Rock music. It was Daddy who supported me in listening to that kind of music and who even sang along with
me and the radio sometimes. I remember that one of his favorite songs then was Nichole Nordeman's Holy.
One other
thing I will never forget about my dad is his passion for Georgia sports...unless he just doesn't like the team
from Georgia for a particular sport. Daddy, I don't think I'll ever forget that time when the Braves won and
you hit the floor yelling and screaming and slapping around...I don't know that I ever want to see a replay, but...
Anyway, my dad's favorite Georgia team is (drumroll) THE BULLDAWGS!!