Jesus In Complete Control: 9-11
My 9-11 Poems

In Memory Of The Tragic Day That None Will Forget

I am sure that many of you are thinking, "Why harp on this?  It's over it's done...LET US FORGET!!"  But if we forget, that's like saying that we don't care about all the men and women in Iraq right now.  It's also like saying we don't give a rip about this country.  Not only that, but I'll wager that many grieving families would have a thing or two to say if I didn't put something to this effect up on the web.  Anywho, here it is.
To those families who have lost loved ones either in the trade center or otherwise on 9-11, I am sorry and I will continue praying for you.  To those children who were left fatherless as a result of 9-11, God will be your Father if you'll only let him.  To those children left motherless, God will fill that void in your life as well.
To those in Iraq, come home asap and be safe about it.  Until then, do your duty for your country and for God.
To those families of men and women killed or harmed in Iraq, I am praying for you as well.


JICC 911